Parent Support Group

Friends of St Dallan’s are the voluntary parent-run fundraising association for St Dallan’s Primary School in Warrenpoint. All Parents / Guardians of St Dallan’s school children are automatically members of Friends of St Dallan’s. The aims of Friends of St Dallan’s are:
- To support St Dallan’s Primary School through fundraising to provide extra resources and facilities for the benefit of pupils at the school, as agreed with the school principal.
- To foster positive relationships between Staff, Parents / Guardians of St Dallan’s pupils and others associated with the school through organising and running fundraising social events.
Although independent and voluntary, Friends of St Dallan’s works in close conjunction with the school to agree fundraising initiatives and expenditure on projects. School pupils are consulted on project ideas through the School Council. Parents are regularly asked for their ideas and contribution via Facebook and through letters home in school bags.