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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint


2019/2020 School Year

28th Nov 2019
Congratulations to our P4 and P3 children who successfully completed the Reading...
28th Nov 2019
In St. Dallan's our Primary 7 pupils can apply for jobs of responsibility that...
28th Nov 2019
Well done to all the boys and girls in Key Stage 1 who were awarded their certificates...
28th Nov 2019
Shannon was awarded a Highly Commended Certificate in our local environmental poster...
27th Nov 2019
Primary 5 pupils invited their parents and the other classes in the school for their...
27th Nov 2019
Congratulations to Isabella and Dara who were awarded a Certificate of Achievement...
26th Nov 2019
Congratulations to Aimee who was awarded a Highly Commended certificate for her...
26th Nov 2019
Primary 7 have been busy using atlases, maps, globes and the internet to research...
21st Nov 2019
On Wednesday the 20th of November Primary 3 had fantastic workshops organised by...