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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint


2020/2021 School Year

9th Dec 2020
Our classroom was looking really colourful and festive today with all the lovely...
9th Dec 2020
Great excitement in St Dallan’s today as all the children got to wear their...
9th Dec 2020
This week P4 have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. They took...
9th Dec 2020
Look at the great fun we had on Christmas Jumper Day 🎅 
9th Dec 2020
Primary 6 have been very busy this week investigating the properties of common 2D...
9th Dec 2020
Don't we look festive in our Christmas jumpers today?
8th Dec 2020
The primary 7 children had great fun today hot-seating Ebenezer Scrooge. We found...
7th Dec 2020
Congratulations to Molly O’Neill (P7) who has been very successful in Newry,...