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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint


2021/2022 School Year

17th Oct 2021
Primary 4 had a great day raising funds for our school as they walked and chatted...
15th Oct 2021
The children in our gardening club have been really busy preparing our flowerbeds...
15th Oct 2021
Congratulations to all the boys and girls from P1- P7 who were awarded their Star...
15th Oct 2021
Huge congratulations to our newly elected school and eco council members. Ella...
9th Oct 2021
We have been learning a lot about adjectives this month and how they make our writing...
9th Oct 2021
Primary 4 have have been busy inside and outside the classroom this month. In maths,...
9th Oct 2021
Primary 4 have had great fun exploring the world map to find the 10 biggest countries...
7th Oct 2021
Congratulations to our new Prefects for term 1 of this new school year! What a fantastic...
6th Oct 2021
Today we had our first day on the climbing frame. We had so much fun! 
5th Oct 2021
We did our first Science experiment! Each of us put a gummy bear into a cup of water...