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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint


2022/2023 School Year

13th Oct 2022
We had great fun programming Bee-Bot to move around the shape mat today. He could...
13th Oct 2022
The Primary 1, we learnt how to use little robots called Beebots. We programmed...
12th Oct 2022
We had our first whole school assembly today. We said prayers and sang songs together....
12th Oct 2022
Congratulations to all our wonderful boys and girls from KS1 and KS2 who received...
6th Oct 2022
We got to decorate our own gingerbread men and eat them. They were so yummy!🙂😋
3rd Oct 2022
Last week, we read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children loved...
3rd Oct 2022
Have you ever wondered what happens to gummy bears when you leave them sitting in...
3rd Oct 2022
We have been learning about Place Value in Numeracy. Our teacher set us the challenge...
2nd Oct 2022
Primary 4 have had a wonderful few weeks visiting Warrenpoint Library. Thank...
1st Oct 2022
We wrote our own instructions on how to play snakes and ladders, then played the...