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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint


2022/2023 School Year

9th Nov 2022
Today we had Fireman JJ came to talk to Primary 5 today about home safety. ...
9th Nov 2022
Congratulations to all our wonderful boys and girls from Key Stage 1 who received...
8th Nov 2022
As part of our new topic on The History of Toys, the children brought in their favourite...
8th Nov 2022
Today we had Diarmid and JJ came to talk to Primary 5 today about home safety, we...
7th Nov 2022
Today , we had a visitor from the Ulster Orchestra. He talked all about the different...
7th Nov 2022
The whole school went to the hall this afternoon to be entertained by Nigel Ireland...
7th Nov 2022
We had lots of fun dressing up in school and enjoying some Halloween fun and treats.
7th Nov 2022
Today, we were all treated to a workshop from a member of the Ulster Orchestra....
6th Nov 2022
Lots of preparations were underway to make sure we had a ‘spook-filled’...