2017/2018 School Year
16th May 2018
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who were awarded their certificates at...
10th May 2018
Congratulations to this week's stars in Key Stage 2. They have 'shone brightly'...
18th Apr 2018
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who were awarded their certificates at...
17th Apr 2018
Congratulations to Mrs McGreevy's Primary 2 class who won the delicious ice cream...
17th Apr 2018
Primary 2 recycle and reuse a lot of junk materials during their play sessions....
17th Apr 2018
Congratulations to all pupils from P1-P7 who were awarded seats at the prestigious...
15th Apr 2018
In true St Dallan's style, the entire school community got behind the 'Great St...
15th Apr 2018
Congratulations to Mrs Amanda Poland, our lunchtime supervisor, who retired recently....
26th Mar 2018
Well done to St. Dallan's boys from Primary 5 & 6 who represented our local...
23rd Mar 2018
Many of our children and staff braved the cold weather together to participate...
- All
- Digital Leaders
- Eco Council
- Fair Trade Council
- Homepage
- Miss Dunne
- Miss Flynn
- Miss Johnston
- Miss McArdle
- Miss McGrath/ Mrs Devlin
- Miss Patterson
- Miss Tumilty
- Miss Wilson
- Mr Fitzpatrick
- Mr Rice
- Mr Rice-56
- Mr Ross
- Mrs Connell-51
- Mrs Daly
- Mrs Doolan
- Mrs Doolan-54
- Mrs Fegan
- Mrs Fitzpatrick
- Mrs Hope / Mrs Rice
- Mrs Kelly
- Mrs Lunny
- Mrs Main
- Mrs McCullagh
- Mrs McCullagh-58
- Mrs McGreevy
- Mrs Morgan
- Mrs Morgan-60
- Mrs O’Neill
- Mrs Talbot
- Mrs Treanor
- Mrs Treanor-59
- Ms Johnston
- School Council
- SPiM 3 - Mrs Rodgers