News - Mrs O’Neill
2018/2019 School Year
19th Jun 2019
Well done to Morgan Brown whose brilliant acts of Charity haven't gone unnoticed...
24th May 2019
Primary 4 children had great fun exploring coordinates this afternoon with a very...
24th May 2019
Congratulations to all the Primary 4 children who made their Holy Communion on Saturday.
7th May 2019
Well done to the winners of the class Easter raffle. Thank you to all who supported...
7th Mar 2019
Thursday 7th March was World Book Day. This is a celebration of authors, illustrators,...
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- Digital Leaders
- Eco Council
- Fair Trade Council
- Homepage
- Miss Dunne
- Miss Flynn
- Miss Johnston
- Miss McArdle
- Miss McGrath/ Mrs Devlin
- Miss Patterson
- Miss Tumilty
- Miss Wilson
- Mr Fitzpatrick
- Mr Rice
- Mr Rice-56
- Mr Ross
- Mrs Connell-51
- Mrs Daly
- Mrs Doolan
- Mrs Doolan-54
- Mrs Fegan
- Mrs Fitzpatrick
- Mrs Hope / Mrs Rice
- Mrs Kelly
- Mrs Lunny
- Mrs Main
- Mrs McCullagh
- Mrs McCullagh-58
- Mrs McGreevy
- Mrs Morgan
- Mrs Morgan-60
- Mrs O’Neill
- Mrs Talbot
- Mrs Treanor
- Mrs Treanor-59
- Ms Johnston
- School Council
- SPiM 3 - Mrs Rodgers