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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint


2018/2019 School Year

25th Jun 2019
Some of our children have been working in the Language Club this year with Mrs Burke and...
25th Jun 2019
Some of our children have been working with their Reading Partners this term and...
24th Jun 2019
Primary 2 had a great time at Sports Day on Friday. We all enjoyed the sunny day...
21st Jun 2019
A massive well done to everyone who took part in Sports Day, we had a brilliant...
21st Jun 2019
A great day was had by all and the lovely weather was worth waiting on. All the...
20th Jun 2019
The Primary 7 children this year showcased their entrepreneurial skills as they...
20th Jun 2019
The Primary 7 children recently received their certificates celebrating their partnership...
20th Jun 2019
Friends of St.Dallan's arrived at school today with a lovely keepsake for all of...
19th Jun 2019
Thank you to all those who attended our Website Launch today, grabbed a quick cup...
19th Jun 2019
Well done to Morgan Brown whose brilliant acts of Charity haven't gone unnoticed...